CO ACEP From the Capitol – February 2024

Dan Jablan
CO ACEP Lobbyist

Suzanne Hamilton
Executive Director











The Colorado General Assembly meets for 120 days each year beginning in January and ending this year on May 8th. As of this writing there remain only 9 days in this legislative session. In this 2024 legislative session, 693 bills have been introduced to date.  In the past 111 days, they have addressed just over 300 of those bills. That means they have under 215 hours to act upon the remaining almost 400 bills assuming they work 24 hours a day from here on out.  Obviously, that will not happen, so in this session we will likely see a record number of bills die on the calendar for lack of action.  Fortunately for the CO ACEP members, the vast majority of bills we have supported have made it through the system.  Those remaining which will likely die are also good news. Let’s look at just a few of CO ACEP’s accomplishments this legislative session on your behalf.

Bill Number & Title: HB24-1014 – Deceptive Trade Practice Significant Impact Standard

Summary: This bill would have created a new and significant exposure to additional liability. Would enable an additional case to be filed against you for alleged medical practice under the Colorado Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) which carries treble damages. Professional liability insurance does not cover claims under the CCPA.

CO ACEP Position: Oppose

Outcome: Impact on your practice: expected to be killed in the Senate Judiciary Committee

Impact on you/your Practice: Protected you from a new form liability which would not be covered by your professional liability insurance.

Bill Number & Title: HB24-1153 – Physician Continuing Education

Summary: As introduced this bill would have required every physician, regardless of specialty to complete 40 hours of CME per licensure renewal cycle in reproductive, sexual, and gender-based care and explicit and implicit bias.

CO ACEP Position: Amend

Outcome: We were able to amend the bill such that you need only to attest that you have completed 30 hours of CME.  The hours you complete to maintain your board certification count towards that 30 hours and self study hours are also counted.  There is no topic specific (sexual, reproductive health, etc.) requirements in the bill.

Impact on your practice: Saved you from taking your time and fees to complete 40 hours of CME that may, but not necessarily, apply to your patient base.

Bill Number & Title: HB24-1171 – Naturopathic Doctor Formulary

Summary: Would have allowed naturopaths to prescribe and administer Schedule III-V drugs.

CO ACEP Position: Oppose

Outcome: Bill was killed.

Impact on your practice: Avoided yet another scope of practice expansion as well as leaving you in the position of taking care of patients who suffered medical consequences because of being misdiagnosed and prescribed the wrong prescription medication.

Bill Number & Title: SB24-163 – Arbitration of Health Insurance Claims

Summary: Allow for the bundling of out-of-network claims for arbitration.

CO ACEP Position: Support (CO ACEP caused the ill to be introduced)

Outcome: Was killed in the Senate Health Committee by 1 vote.

Impact on your practice: While unsuccessful this year due to some ugly behind the scenes politics, we will continue to advocate for you in simplifying and reducing the cost of arbitration to make arbitration cost effective.

Those bills are simply a sampling of the 76 bills CO ACEP is involved with on your behalf.  It has been a very contentious legislative session and yet your CO ACEP has been quite successful to date.  Please watch for a full report after the legislature adjourns Sine Die.  In the meantime, understand that we cannot do all this work on your behalf without your support. Encourage your colleagues to join you in these efforts.

It is also very important to understand that our wins and losses next year will depend on the November elections.  It is just as important that CO ACEP be involved in the campaigns of candidates and legislators that support emergency medicine and your patients.  We encourage you to engage in this process.  Please consider donating to the CO ACEP Small Donor Committee.  This committee was formed to maximize CO ACEP’s voice at the Capitol.  A $50 contribution is all it takes to make an impact.